Join the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) in a free webinar on Thursday, April 23, 2:00 p.m. ET to hear innovative strategies that provide opportunities for interprofessional student teams to develop, practice, and refine interprofessional skills. Participants will also be introduced to the newest iCollaborative collection, Clinical Teaching and Learning Experiences without Physical Patient Contact.
Faculty from the Medical University of South Carolina (Drs. Annan-Coultas, Kascak, Mauldin, and Wise) and the University of the Pacific (Drs. Vyas and Rogan) will share how their IPE and telehealth programs and partners have adapted interprofessional health professions education and implemented innovative IPECP instructional methods.
Target Audiences: Health professions deans, faculty, staff, students, and clinicians at undergraduate, graduate, and residentials levels engaged in or desiring improved interprofessional education for collaborative practice.
Participant Learning Outcomes:
- Describe how IPE leadership supports academic-practice partnerships to assist with trainee readiness and the healthcare workforce
- Share novel approaches for modifying clinical placements, applying alternative learning strategies, and highlighting exemplary models
Eligible attendees may receive one Certified in Public Health (CPH) continuing education credit or one continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hour.
For more information and to register for this webinar, click here.