TeamSTEPPS® is an evidence-based set of teamwork tools, aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among healthcare teams, including patients and family caregivers. (Source:

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality updated TeamSTEPPS® in 2023 to address changes in healthcare delivery and learning methods and to emphasize patient engagement at the center of care. TeamSTEPPS 3.0 was developed in consultation with experts in teamwork and team training that included patients and family caregivers. It is guided by emerging research related to teams, team performance, communication, and adult learning, as well as input from frontline providers in care settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and outpatient practices. (Source:

The TeamSTEPPS Pocket Guide provides quick reference to key TeamSTEPPS concepts and tools.The pocket guide is currently available in the following format: TeamSTEPPS 3.0 Pocket Guide (PDF, 4 MB) and TeamSTEPPS Pocket Guide app, which has been updated to reflect changes to the Pocket Guide. 

The following videos may be used as training tools.


An Introduction to TeamSTEPPS


AHRQ TeamSTEPPS Overview


Just A Routine Operation