Diversity, Disparity and Health Care Teams
Thursday, August 6, 2020 (New Date)
11:30am – 1:00pm Eastern Time
The year 2020 has laid bare a growing number of issues of diversity and disparity in public health. In the United States, communities of color are rocked disproportionately in health outcomes from COVID-19. From her viewpoint on the frontline, Dr. Rodgers, Vice Chancellor of Interprofessional programs and the Director of the Rutgers University Urban Health and Wellness Institute, will explore the root causes in the context of long-standing history of disparities by race/ethnicity. These disparities will be examined in the context of a country, and many health care settings, that are becoming increasingly diverse and what that will mean for our future. Her questions to us include: What does this stark reality mean for the composition of health care teams? And, how does COVID-19 impact the health outcomes among diverse members of our own health care teams?