Faculty Publications


Forman, S. G., Shahidullah, J. D., Fleuhr, M. C., & Porter, S. S. (In Press). Importance of coordinated care in meeting the needs of children and families. In M. M. Perfect, C. A. Riccio, & M. A. Bray (Eds.) Health-related disorders in children and adolescents: A guidebook for understanding and educating. Washington, DC: APA Books.

Alessi, E.J., Caldwell, B., Zazzarino, A.S., Greenfield, B., Findley P.A. (2022). ‘You just really have to assert yourself:’ social work, nursing, and rehabilitation counseling student experiences of providing integrated behavioral health services before and after the immediate start of COVID-19. BMC Health Services Research. 18;22(1):88.

Casey, D.E., Daniel, D.M., Bhatt, J., Carey, R.M., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Holmes, A., Smith, A.P., Wozniak, G., Wright, J.T. (2022). Controlling High Blood Pressure, An Evidence-Based Blueprint for Change. American Journal of Medical Quality. 37(1):22-31.

Nadeem, E., McNamee, E., Hassmiller Lich, K., Perry, D., & Lang, J. (2022). Novel application of System Support Mapping for sustainment of a trauma-related behavioral health intervention in school-based health centers. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/23794925.2022.2056928

Volino, L.R., Brust-Sisti, L.A., Patel, S., Yeh, D., Liu, M.T., Cogan-Drew, T., Parrott, J.S. (2022). Evaluation of Interprofessional Education on Effective Communication Between Pharmacy and Physician Assistant Students. Journal of Physician Assist Education. 1;33(2):114-118.

Caldwell, B. A., Alessi, E. J., DiGuilio, M., Findley, P., Oursler, J., & Wagner, M. (2021). Integrating behavioral health into primary care: The role of Psychiatric Nursing in the Development of the Interprofessional team. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 1-34.

Findley, P.A., Willard, S., & Hunterton-Anderson, J. (2021). Florence Schorske Wald: Stand by principles, not by the title. In M.E. O’Dowd & R. Charbonneau (Eds). Junctures: Healthcare. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

Forman, S. G., Lekwa, A. J., & Shahidullah, J. D. (2021). Behavioral health engagement and treatment strategies: Pediatric chief resident perspectives. Families, Systems, & Health, 39(3), 434–442.

Nadeem, E., De la Torre, G., Floyd-Rodriguez, V., & Greswold, W. (2021). Trauma in schools: An examination of the screening and linkage process to integrated behavioral health in school-based health centers. Journal of School Health. 91(5), 428-436.

Parrot, J.S., Sabato, E., Findley, P., Gattaletto, M., Fenesy, K. (2021). Improving interprofessional collaboration through data-driven process evaluation of interprofessional case reviews. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 22.

Shahidullah, J. D., Forman, S. G., Fleuhr, M., Porter, S., & Lekwa, A. J. (2021). Psychotropic medication prescribing in primary care: Pediatric chief resident perspectives. Academic Pediatrics. 21(4), p.750-758.

Weiner, R.W., Findley, P.A., & Shen, C. (2021). Dental and oral health. In Kaye, L. W. (Ed.), Handbook of rural aging. (pp. 470-475). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.

Zolotov, Y., Grinstein Cohen, O., Findley, PA., Reznik, A., Isralowitz, R., and Willard S. (2021). Attitudes and Knowledge about Medical Cannabis among Israeli and American Nursing Students. Nurse Education Today, 99, 104789.

D’Alonzo, K.T., Munet-Vilaro, F., Garsman, L., Rosas, S.R., Castañeda, M., Vivar, M., Joseph, M.E. & Oyeneye, V. (2020). Using concept mapping within a community-academic partnership to examine obesity among Mexican immigrants. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 14(2), 173-185.

Findley, P.A, & Harris, C.E.S. (2020). Interdisciplinary healthcare students’ experiences of intimidation, harassment, and discrimination during training. Journal of Allied Health, 49(1), E39-E42.

Sabato, E., Fenesy, K., Parrott, J.S., Rico, V. (2020). Development, Implementation, and Early Results of a 4-year Interprofessional Education Curriculum. Journal of Dental Education, 84:762-770.

Shahidullah, J. D., Forman, S. G., Harris, J. H., & Norton, A. (2020). Developmental Screening in Community-Based Settings. In M. B. McLain, J. D. Shahidullah, & K. Mezher (Eds.) Handbook of interprofessional care for pediatric ASD (pp.37-46). New York: Springer.

Shahidullah, J. D., Forman, S. G., & Lekwa, A. J. (2020). Assessment and management of depression and suicidality: Pediatric resident perspectives on training and practice. Families, Systems, & Health, 38(2), 172-183.

Shahidullah, J. D., Forman, S. G., Norton, A. M., Harris, J. F., Palejwala, M. H., & Chaudhuri, A. (2020). Implementation of developmental screening by child care providers. Infants and Young Children, 33(1), 21-34.

Jadotte, Y.T., Gayen, S., Chase, S.M., Passannante, M. and Holly, C. (2019). Interprofessional Collaboration and Patient Health Outcomes in Urban Disadvantaged Settings: A Grounded Theory Study. Health, Interprofessional Practice and Education, 3(4), p.eP1185.

Bravo-Sanchez, C., Dorazio, V., Denmark, R., Heuer, A.J., Parrott, J.S (2018). Development of an interprofessional lean facilitator assessment scale. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32:3, 370-373.

Sabato, E., Owens, J., Mauro, A.M., Findley, P., Lamba, S., & Fenesy, K. (2018). Integrating Social Determinants of Health into Dental Curricula: An Interprofessional Approach. Journal of Dental Education, 82(3):237-245.

Shahidullah, J.D., Azad, G.F., Mehzer, K., McClain Verdoes, M.B., & McIntyre, L.L. (2018). Linking the Medical and Educational Home to Support Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Practice Recommendations. Clinical Pediatrics, 57(13):1496-1505.

Shahidullah, J. D., Carlson, J. S., Haggerty, D., & Lancaster, B. M. (2018). Integrated care models for ADHD in children and adolescents: A systematic review. Families, Systems, and Health, 36(2): 233-247.

Shahidullah, J. D., Hostutler, C. A., & Stancin, T. (2018). Collaborative medication-related roles for pediatric primary care psychologists. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 6(1), 61-72.

Shahidullah, J. D., Kettlewell, P. W., DeHart, K. A., Palejwala, M. H., Rooney, K., Diaz, L., Amato, I., & Carlson, J. M. (2018). Pediatric residency training and behavioral health: Preliminary outcomes from an interprofessional education curriculum. New Jersey Pediatrics, 1, 32-38.

Shahidullah, J. D., Kettlewell, P. W., Palejwala, M. H., Forman, S. G., Billups, A., Anismatta, S., & Madsen, B. (2018). Behavioral health training in pediatric residency programs: A national survey of training directors. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 39, 292-302.

Shahidullah, J. D., Lee, E., Pincus, L., & Shafrir, R. (2018). Systems of pediatric healthcare delivery and the social-ecological framework. In S. G. Forman & J. D. Shahidullah (Eds.), Handbook of pediatric behavioral healthcare: An interdisciplinary, collaborative approach. New York: Springer.

Forman, S. G. & Shahidullah, J. D. (2018). Handbook of pediatric behavioral healthcare: An interdisciplinary collaborative approach. New York, NY: Springer.

Forman, S. G. & Shahidullah, J. D. (2018). Future directions in pediatric behavioral healthcare. In S. G. Forman & J. D. Shahidullah (Eds.), Handbook of pediatric behavioral healthcare: An interdisciplinary, collaborative approach. New York: Springer.

Forman, S. G., Chaudauri, A. & Barone, C. (2018).  Interprofessional collaboration. In S. G. Forman & J. D. Shahidullah (Eds.) Handbook of pediatric behavioral healthcare:  An interdisciplinary collaborative approach. New York: Springer.



Rico, V., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K. (March 2022). “Improving Access to Oral Healthcare Through Interprofessional Clinical Experiences.” Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2022 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA.

Rico, V., Wadkar, A., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K. (March 2021). “Results of a 4-year Interprofessional Education Clinical Experience”. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2021 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, Virtual.

Yeh, D., Merians, A., Parrott, J.S. (October 2020). “Do Sex and Profession Influence the Perception of Bias, Respect and Communication in Interprofessional Relationships and Interactions?” Abstract accepted at the 2020 Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (*Meeting cancelled)

Fatahzadeh, M., Parrott, J.S., Findley, P., Fenesy, K. (March 2020). “Exposure: A Key to Understanding Team Members’ Roles & Responsibilities”. Abstract accepted at the 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, National Harbor, Maryland. (*Meeting cancelled)

Fatahzadeh, M., Parrott, J.S., Findley, P., Fenesy, K. (March 2020). “Student Perspectives on Interprofessional Relationships and Interaction”. Abstract accepted at the 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, National Harbor, Maryland. (*Meeting cancelled)

Rico, V., Wadkar, A., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K. (March 2019). Enhancing Student Training Through IPE Community Rotations. Abstract for poster presented at the 2019 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, Chicago, Illinois. Journal of Dental Education. 83(2):231 2019 ADEA Abstract PO-328.

Shahidullah, J. D., Kettlewell, PW., Palejwala, MH., Forman, S. G., Billups, A., Madsen, B. (May 2018). Video abstract: Behavioral health training in pediatric residency programs: A national survey of training directors. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 39(4):292-302.

Fatahzadeh, M., Gataletto, M., Bridenbaugh, J., Findley, P., Lamba, G., Mauro, A., Parrott, J., Perez, H., Rico, V., Singhal, V., Touger-Decker, R., Volino, L., Wagner, M., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K.  (March 2018). Case Development for Interprofessional Case Conferences. Abstract for poster presented at the 2018 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida. Journal of Dental Education. 82(2):209 2018 ADEA Abstract PO-212.

Parrott, J., Sabato, E., Harris, C., Harris, L., Fenesy, K., Feldman, C. (March 2018). SPICE Case Evaluation Methodology in Interprofessional Education:  Moving From Surveys to Observational Data. Abstract for poster presented at the 2018 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida. Journal of Dental Education. 82(2): 204 2018 ADEA Abstract PO-192.

Perez, H., Harris, C., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K. (March 2018). Development of Facilitators Training for Interprofessional Education Experience. Abstract for poster presented at the 2018 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida. Journal of Dental Education. 82(2):210 2018 ADEA Abstract PO-217.



Nelson, J., Brennan, C., Salem, S., Gadkowski, L., Janelle, J., Pressley, M., Mahgoub, S. (June 2022). Clinic LGBTQ+ welcoming measures: Do they make a difference? Presentation at the Indiana University National HIV Conference in Indianapolis, IN.

Smith, J.M, Jarrín O.F., Lin, H., Tsui, J., Thomas-Hawkins, C. (June 2022). Racial and ethnic disparities in post-acute home health care utilization. Podium presentation given at the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in Washington DC.

Smith, J.M, Jarrín O.F., Lin, H., Tsui, J., Thomas-Hawkins, C. (June 2022). Racial and ethnic disparities in post-acute home health care utilization. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in Washington DC.

Smith, J.M, Lin, H., Thomas-Hawkins, C., Tsui, J., Jarrín O.F. (June 2022). Home health care initiation and rehospitalizations in older adults with diabetes. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in Washington, DC.

Holmes, A. (March 2022). The View from the Front Lines – What a Health Care Provider Wishes Attorneys Would Advise Their Clients. Presentation given at the NJSBA Second Annual End of Life Conference: Legal and Practical Issues for Advance Care Planning. Virtual.

Will, K.K., Kazenski, D.M., Bridenbaugh, J., Zerr, B. (March 2022). Getting to Know Interprofessional Education (IPE) and Strategies for Implementation. Webinar hosted by the Nutrition and Dietetic Educators and Preceptors, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Virtual.

Nadeem, E., Maddex, M., Moore, E., Gomes, E., Greswold, W. Schapiro, N. (October 2021). Considerations in Trauma Screening and Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Delivery for Newcomer Youth. Paper presented at the 2021 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health. Virtual.

Rico, V., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K. (October 2021). Improving Access to Oral Healthcare Through Interprofessional Clinical Experiences. Presentation given at the APHA 2021 Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO and Virtual.

Sabato, E., Fenesy, K., Gataletto, M.A., Findley, P. (October 2021). Enhancing Access to Oral Healthcare for Special Needs Patients: A Focused Honors Program for Predoctoral Dental Students. Presentation given at the APHA 2021 Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO and Virtual.

Rodgers, D. (September 2021). Putting DEI Into Action: Lessons From Denver Health. Presentation given at the Nexus Summit 2021. Virtual.

Van Wingerden, A., Yang, K., Wagner, M., Lim, E., Hoang, T. (September 2021). Transforming Interprofessional Education: Development of an Innovative, Immersive Program for Osteoporosis/Fall Risk Screening. Presentation given at the 2021 Nexus Summit. Virtual.

Rodgers, D. (August 2020). “Diversity, Disparity, and Health Care Teams.” 2020 Nexus Summit, Virtual presentation.

Riley, K. E., Forman, S., & Nadeem, E. (July 2020). Adult Integrated, Interprofessional Behavioral Health. Presentation given at the Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Beautiful Mind Summit, Virtual.

Patient-Facing Working group – Jenkins, M.L., member. (May 2020). “Enabling Patient-Centered and Interoperable Patient-facing Clinical Decision Support: Recommendations from the PCCDS Learning Network”. American Medical Informatics Association 2020 Clinical Informatics Conference, Virtual presentation.

Fatahzadeh, M., Findley, P., Fenesy, K. (March 2020) “Oral Oncology-Hospice Care Continuum: A pathway for teaching patient-centered care”. Presentation and workshop accepted at the 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, National Harbor, Maryland. (*Meeting cancelled)

Sabato, E. (March 2020). “Evaluation of Simulated Interprofessional Case Conferences”. Presentation accepted at the 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, National Harbor, Maryland. (*Meeting cancelled)

O’Neal K., Volino L. (February 2020). Lessons Learned from Interprofessional Education (IPE) Activities: From the Classroom to Practice. Micro-session presentation at the INsight AACP Interim Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

Bridenbaugh J, Parrott J.S., Rothpletz-Puglia P. (October 2019). Interprofessional Education: A comparison of Nutrition Student’s Traditional Face-to-Face (F2F) and Virtual Web conferencing (WC) Participation. Innovations Poster presented at the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Wagner, M. (March 2019). Oral Health Care Experiences: Expanding Interprofessional Opportunities. PharmTalk presentation at the 2019 APha Annual Meeting & Exposition, Seattle, Washington.

Chen, S., Rico, V., Fredericks-Younger, J., Fenesy, K., Tentler, A., Traba, C., Lamba, S. (November 2018). Training Students for interprofessional collaborative community based interventions to improve healthcare. Oral presentation at 2018 AAMC Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.

Rajagopalan,C, Parmar, V., Findley, P., West, B. (November 2018). Barriers to Oral Health Care for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Experiences of Families/Caregivers and Dentists. Oral presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.

Sabato E., Findley, P., Fenesy, K. (November 2018). Interprofessional oral health education with a special need focus. Oral presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.

Fenesy, K., Kilgore, J.R., Stewart, J. (September 2018). Implementing IPE to Serve the Underserved. Interprofessional Education Collaborative Webinar.

Shahidullah, J. D., & Kettlewell, P. W. (September 2018). Embedding psychologists within a rural primary care clinic to enhance pediatrician management of pharmacological regimens. In J. Shahidullah (Chair) & R. Baum (Discussant), Meeting psychotropic medication prescribing needs in primary care: Interprofessional collaboration involving pediatricians, psychiatrists, and psychologists. Symposium presented at the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Conference, Anaheim, California.

Volino, L., Yeh, D., Patel, S., Parrott, JS., Brust-Sisti, L. (September 2018). Collaborative Interprofessional Program Evaluation of Communication with Healthcare Providers. 78th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland.

Paparella-Pitzel, S. (July 2018). Collaborative Care through a Participatory Student-Run Clinic. Nexus Summit – Nexus Fair Resource Exchange Station. Nexus Summit 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Andre, D., Hoehlein, B., Paparella-Pitzel, S. (March 2018). Synergy: Coordinating communication and documentation of a group program within a student-run clinic. Oral presentation at the 2018 PT Pro-Bono Network Eastern Conference, Chester, Pennsylvania.

Fatahzadeh, M., Gataletto, M.A., Bridenbaugh, J., Findley, P., Lamba, S., Mauro, A.M., Parrott, S., Perez, H., Rico, V., Singhal, V., Touger-Decker, R., Volino, L., Wagner, M., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K. (March 2018). Case Development for Interprofessional Care Conferences. Poster presented at the 2018 American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida.

Fenesy, K., Perez, H., Sabato, E., Rico, V. (March 2018). Special Populations Interprofessional Care Experiences (SPICE): A New Educational Program. Presented at the 2018 American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida.

Fenesy, K., Sabato, E. (March 2018). Integrating Social Determinants of Health into Dental Education. American Dental Education Association Webinar.

Fenesy, K., Sabato, E., Harris, C., Feldman, C. (March 2018). Teaching and Improving Care to Vulnerable Populations through Interprofessional Education. Poster presented at the 2018 American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida.

Kreda, D., Torkel, E., Paparella-Pitzel, S. (March 2018). SPT Student Board documentation: a Participatory and Iterative process. Oral presentation at the 2018 PT Pro-Bono Network Eastern Conference, Chester, Pennsylvania.

Parrott, S., Sabato, E., Harris, C., Harris, L., Fenesy, K., Feldman, C. (March 2018). SPICE Case Evaluation Methodology: Moving from Surveys to Observational Data. Poster presented at the 2018 American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida.

Perez, C., Harris, C., Sabato, E., Fenesy, K. (March 2018). Development of Facilitator’s Training for Interprofessional Educational Experience. Poster presented at the 2018 American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida.